Use of Illite Clay for Disposal of Industrial Sewage Sludge
Book of Abstracts of 15th International Conference "Clay Minerals"
Gaida Maruta Sedmale,
Ineta Rozenštrauha,
Linda Krāģe,
A. Jarutis,
Edmunds Lodiņš,
Viktors Filipenkovs
Two main byproducts
or wastes formed during the production of glass fibre are the following:
sewage sludge containing montmorillonite clay as sorbent material and ca 50 % of organic
matter as well as waste glass from alumoborsilicate
glass fibre with relatively high softening
temperature (> 600 oC). Porous ceramic materials were produced from mentioned industrial
waste and mineral raw material – Quarternary illite clay, Latvia.
Atslēgas vārdi
illite clay, sewage sludge, porous ceramics
Sedmale, G., Rozenštrauha, I., Krāģe, L., Jarutis, A., Lodiņš, E., Fiļipenkovs, V. Use of Illite Clay for Disposal of Industrial Sewage Sludge. No: Book of Abstracts of 15th International Conference "Clay Minerals", Brazīlija, Rio De Janeiro, 7.-13. jūlijs, 2013. Rio De Janeiro: 2013, 1.-1.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)