Gas and Hydrodynamics
Adalat Samadov Soltan,
Andrei Chorny,
Boriss Gjunsburgs,
Gints Jaudzems,
Nina Karbalevich,
Parviz Abdullayev Shahmurad,
Roberts Neilands,
Orkhan Huseyinov,
Romāns Neilands,
Rzagulu Agaverdiyev Sultan,
Yadullah Babayev,
Yulia Zhukova
This book has been prepared by the financial support of European Union. Authors from Riga Technical
University, Belarusian State University, Qafqaz University, and National Aviation Academy of Azerbaijan are responsible for the content of this document. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and it cannot be regarded as the European Union's official position.
The book is developed in a frame of the project “Development of Training Network for Improving
Education in Energy Efficiency” acronym: ENERGY, grant Nr. 530379-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-LVTEMPUS-JPCR
Atslēgas vārdi
Hydraulic Losses, Flow, Shear stress, Velocity, Minor hydraulic losses
Samadov Soltan, A., Chorny, A., Gjunsburgs, B., Jaudzems, G., Karbalevich, N., Abdullayev Shahmurad, P., Neilands, R., Huseyinov, O., Neilands, R., Agaverdiyev Sultan, R., Babayev, Y., Zhukova, Y. Gas and Hydrodynamics. Riga: RTU Press, 2017. 319 lpp. ISBN 978-9934-10-590-6.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)