The concept of a residual Daniels function (RDF) is introduced. Together with the concept of Daniels sequence, the RDF is used for estimating the residual (after some preliminary fatigue loading) static strength of a unidirectional fibrous composite (UFC) and its S–N curve on the bases of test data. Usually, the residual strength is analyzed on the basis of a known S–N curve. In our work, an inverse approach is used: the S–N curve is derived from an analysis of the residual strength. This approach gives a good qualitive description of the process of decreasing residual strength and explanes the existence of the fatigue limit. The estimates of parameters of the corresponding regression model can be interpreted as estimates of parameters of the local strength of components of the UFC. In order to approach the quantitative experimental estimates of the fatigue life, some ideas based on the mathematics of the semiMarkovian process are employed. Satisfactory results in processing experimental data on the fatigue life and residual strength of glass/epoxy laminates are obtained.