Evolution of “Design” Concept and Its Application to Innovation in Latvia
Smart and Efficient Economy: Preparation for the Future Innovative Economy : 21st International Scientific Conference Economics and Management (ICEM 2016): Proceedings of Selected Papers 2016
Irēna Vaivode, Elīna Gaile-Sarkane

Purpose of the article is to research the evolution of design concept. The research subject is the evolution of the concept, its relationship with egineering, innovation and the use of design concept in Latvia. Methodology/methods are based on systematic review of different literature sources (overview, rapid review), case studies, focus groups interviews, expert interviews. Scientific aim is to disclose the evolution of the design concept and to reveal how the understanding has changed in the course of time. Study based on the opinion of researchers and practitioners worldwide who have recognized the importance of structured, scientifically-based, and industrially-tested theories and methods for product (and process) design and development. Design and innovation can mean the processes which are followed to produce some output. Common features of innovation and design are: generation of new knowledge, and selection/use of existing knowledge. Research in engineering design concerns the interplay between the design process and the design object. Technology like a catch-ball is used to describe objects and the networks, systems and infrastructures in which they are embedded. An invention will become part of current technology; invariably a further engineering, effort is required to bring a concept to usable reality as case study after case study reveals. Findings relates to an understanding of the design concept which is different in several countries. The understanding of the design concept in Latvia focuses on various elements like art, fashion, apartment furnishings. Conclusions are based on the results of the research which may lead to further investigation of design concept understanding in different countries. It is necessary to raise or to change the public's understanding of design concept as a component of well-organized process of knowledge creation, production, diffusion, and application in Latvia.

Atslēgas vārdi
design, design concept, engineering, industrial revolution, innovation

Vaivode, I., Gaile-Sarkane, E. Evolution of “Design” Concept and Its Application to Innovation in Latvia. No: Smart and Efficient Economy: Preparation for the Future Innovative Economy : 21st International Scientific Conference Economics and Management (ICEM 2016): Proceedings of Selected Papers, Čehija, Brno, 19.-20. maijs, 2016. Brno: Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management, 2016, 246.-254.lpp. ISBN 978-80-214-5413-2.

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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