Inductor Machines with Longitudinally-Transversal Comb-Wise Tooth Zone
Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences
Edmunds Kamoliņš,
Nikolajs Levins,
Alberts Serebrjakovs,
Madars Mileiko
The method considered in the present paper concerns the operational efficiency of the inductor electric machine, which can be improved by placing on the stator and rotor teeth the combs combined from differently shaped teeth and slots. The use on the inductor electric machine stator and rotor teeth of combs as a combination of differently shaped hills (teeth) and valleys (slots) allows raising the specific power of the machine. This effect is determined by the chosen type of a comb element as well as by technological possibilities of the manufacturer. The proposed method could be used moderately in the inductor machines with longitudinally-transversal combing.
Atslēgas vārdi
comb teeth; inductor machines; magnetic permeance
Kamoliņš, E., Levins, N., Serebrjakovs, A., Mileiko, M. Inductor Machines with Longitudinally-Transversal Comb-Wise Tooth Zone. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 2017, Vol.54, No.1, 12.-22.lpp. ISSN 0868-8257. Pieejams: doi:10.1515/lpts-2017-0002
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