Analysis of Inner Divertor Materials of JET C-Wall and ILW from Viewpoint of Spectrometric Investigations
30th Symposium on Fusion Technology: Book of Abstracts
Liga Avotina,
Davis Conka,
Andris Lescinskis,
Mihails Halitovs,
Elina Pajuste,
Andris Šutka,
Natalja Skute,
Larisa Baumane,
Gunta Kizane
Fundamental investment about the properties of EP to comply with security reasons is given by
analysing EP from other tokamak devices. Carbon based materials are considered as plasma facing
materials in stellarators. A comparison between tritium release and chemical composition of
plasma exposed materials will allow to expand the knowledge about materials behaviour in fusion
Atslēgas vārdi
Avotina, L., Conka, D., Lescinskis, A., Halitovs, M., Pajuste, E., Šutka, A., Skute, N., Baumane, L., Kizane, G. Analysis of Inner Divertor Materials of JET C-Wall and ILW from Viewpoint of Spectrometric Investigations. No: 30th Symposium on Fusion Technology: Book of Abstracts, Itālija, Sicily, 16.-21. septembris, 2018. Sicily: 2018, 204.-204.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)