The role of mathematical education in the development of person's intelligence and personality and also application in everyday life, professional activities, attitude towards the role of mathematical knowledge in the labour market is widely discussed in the literature. In order to reflect the views of the respondents on the issues of mathematical learning and the potencial values of mathematics as well as benefits in the labor market, two types of surveys were conducted: Riga Technical University and Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies student and employers survey. The questionnaire includes three diagnostics blocks: (self-) assessment of the basic math knowledge/ skills/ competence, attitude to the mathematics, mathematics education needs. The respondents had to assess the given statements by expressing their approval or disapproval on a 4-stage Likert scale: strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. In the article analysed students mathematical competence self-essessment in comparision with employers expectations.The research data analyzed by the respondents professional field, gender, age and mathematics learning experience. Research results show that mathematics is widely used in everyday life and in professional activities as well as give advantage in the labor market. At the same time there are difference between students mathematical beliefs and expectations of employers. Based on the responses to the open question, the authors offer several solutions for the approximation of mathematics studies at the university to the requirements of the labor market.