Visible Light Activated Room Temperature Gas Sensors Based on CaFe2O4 Nanopowders
A Qomaruddin,
Cristian Fabrega,
Andreas Waag,
Andris Šutka,
Olga Casals,
Hutomo Suryo Wasisto,
Joan Daniel Prades
Gas sensors based on CaFe2O4 nanopowders, which are p–type metal oxide semiconductor (MOX), have been fabricated and assessed for ethanol gas monitoring under visible light activation at room temperature. Regardless of their inferior sensitivity compared to thermally activated counterparts, the developed sensors have shown responsive sensing behavior towards ethanol vapors confirming the ability of using visible light for sensor activation. LEDs with different wavelengths (i.e., 465–590 nm) were employed. The highest sensitivity (3.7%) was reached using green LED activation that corresponds to the band gap of CaFe2O4.
Atslēgas vārdi
Cafe2O4, ferrite, gas sensor
Qomaruddin, A., Fabrega, C., Waag, A., Šutka, A., Casals, O., Wasisto, H., Prades, J. Visible Light Activated Room Temperature Gas Sensors Based on CaFe2O4 Nanopowders. Proceedings, 2018, Vol.2, 834.-837.lpp. e-ISSN 2504-3900. Pieejams: doi:10.3390/proceedings2130834
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English (en)