In the modern world, the amount of available information is constantly increasing, knowledge is quickly becoming outdated, and therefore more and more demanding requirements are placed on the content and methods of organizing education. A new paradigm appears, aimed not at mastering a large amount of fundamental knowledge by a student, but at forming new abilities to receive knowledge that a student can integrate from various fields of knowledge for his specialty. The present article describes the possibilities of applying an interdisciplinary approach to the preparation of students of higher education institutions, allowing them to maximize the knowledge gained in previous disciplines and to orient in related areas of future professional activity. The preconditions for the application of such an approach are identified and the ways of implementing an interdisciplinary approach are considered, also its effect on increasing student results is shown. On the example of teaching first- and second-year students of the study program “Computer Systems” at Riga Technical University, the article shows that such an approach allows improving the acquisition of basic courses and improving student results.