The vegetable and fruit processing industry produces by-products such as bark, pomace, cores, crickets and seeds. The by-products are further used as animal feed, for the extraction of biogas or are not used at all. By-products from vegetable and fruit production contain biologically valuable substances such as fibres, vitamins, carotenes, organic acids, micro and macronutrients that play an important role in human health. The study was carried out in the area of the Stockholm Archipelago Nature Reserve, Uto Island's largest restaurant network, Uto Vards Hus, in order to identify the types of by-products, the amount of recycling, the motivation of employees to be involved in sorting, and the possibility of using by-products for further distribution of biologically active substances. By-products likely to be used for further removal of biological active substances are: citrus fruit bark and pomace after juice extraction (can be used for the production of pectin (~10-20%)), pumpkin bark (pectin (content of 2-8% depending on the type of extraction)), carrot bark (for the extraction of carotenoids). The results of the survey show that on average 3 tonnes of citrus fruit for juice per year is used in the enterprise, of which 50-70% are by-products, so that 1800 kg of crushing residue and bark could be used for the extraction of pectin, which would constitute 270 kg of pectin per year, as well as the bark from carrots which make up ~ 4000 kg/year, according to the extraction method (76 mg100 g-1) 3 kg of carotenoid can be further used as food additives. The survey shows that 70% of the employees involved in the company are willing to be involved in sorting by-products, 10% do not see the point, 30% would do so if they were paid extra. 85% of those involved in the survey had no prior knowledge of the possibility of using by-products for the extraction of biologically active substances and functional raw materials.