The purpose of the work is to provide a successful solution for the repair works of the fire-fighting vehicles and equipment in the State Fire and Rescue Service (Service) in Latvia, improving the quality of works and repairs, thus increasing the safety level of the repaired vehicles and readiness of the structural units of the service to perform operational measures. The study uses analytical, comparison and grouping methods for analysing statistical data. The existing repair system of the fire-fighting vehicles and equipment was analysed in the paper, establishing its advantages and deficiencies, calculating the manufacturing parameters of the repair procedure, setting requirements for the technical base of repair works, analysing the obtained results and determining the optimum solutions for further activities. The study concluded that the existing technical maintenance and repair system only complies with the actual requirements partially as regards the technical readiness of the fire-fighting vehicles and equipment. The service operates a large amount of outdated fire-fighting equipment in a technical condition that does not comply with modern requirements and with expired service life determined by manufacturers, which significantly reduces the efficiency of the existing repair system, increases downtime of the equipment and complicates the control of its operation. The paper provides specific recommendations for improving the repair technical base of the service, which would ensure the continuous technical readiness of fire-fighting vehicles and equipment, as short as possible intervals of maintenance and repair, as a result of which the operational readiness of the service, structural units would be increased.