Resin Cement Residue Removal Techniques: Analysis of Marginal Defects and Discolouration Intensity Using Micro-CT and Stereomicroscopy
eCM Periodical. ScSB Abstracts
Māra Gaile,
Evaggelia Papia,
Vita Šteinberga,
Jānis Ločs,
Una Soboļeva
Adhesively cemented
porcelain veneers are widely used in aesthetic
dentistry. Different cementation protocols and
cement removal techniques are used, which
could influence long term results of cementation.
The objective of this study was to compare
marginal defects and evaluate connection
between defect types and the intensity of
discolouration for adhesively cemented veneers,
when using two cement removal techniques.
Atslēgas vārdi
Resin Cement, Micro-CT and Stereomicroscopy
Gaile, M., Papia, E., Zālīte, V., Ločs, J., Soboļeva, U. Resin Cement Residue Removal Techniques: Analysis of Marginal Defects and Discolouration Intensity Using Micro-CT and Stereomicroscopy. No: eCM Periodical. ScSB Abstracts, Latvija, Riga, 14.-14. jūnijs, 2021. Davos: 2021, P2.-P2.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)