Features of Lighting Equipment for Spatially Complex and Dynamically Changing Work Environments
2021 IEEE 9th Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE 2021) 2021
Maksims Vorobjovs, Iļja Galkins

Lighting plays a very important role in a person's life, especially if it is lighting the workplace. If this is a workplace with very quickly changing conditions, such as (road conditions, or a surgical table) where conditions change in a split second. A person is not always able to react quickly enough. In turn, the technological level of modern equipment makes it possible to manufacture adaptive lighting systems with low energy consumption. The purpose of this work is to analyze modern technologies and lighting, choose one of the areas and start developing a concept for improving working conditions. The result of the study was the choice of medicine (surgery), the object of optimization was the lamp of the surgical table. The concept was developed.

Atslēgas vārdi
Employee welfare, Electrical engineering, Energy consumption, Roads, Employment, Lighting, Surgery

Vorobjovs, M., Galkins, I. Features of Lighting Equipment for Spatially Complex and Dynamically Changing Work Environments. No: 2021 IEEE 9th Workshop on Advances in Information, Electronic and Electrical Engineering (AIEEE 2021), Latvija, Riga, 25.-26. novembris, 2021. Piscataway: IEEE, 2021, 1.-4.lpp. ISBN 978-1-6654-6713-1. e-ISBN 978-1-6654-6712-4. ISSN 2689-7334. e-ISSN 2689-7342. Pieejams: doi:10.1109/AIEEE54188.2021.9670208

Publikācijas valoda
English (en)
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