The Need and Role of High-Level Math Skills in Engineering Studies
Research for Rural Development 2024: Annual 30th International Scientific Conference Proceedings 2024
Līga Zvirgzdiņa, Evija Kopeika

This article examines the importance and necessity of high-level mathematical skills in engineering studies. It analyzes the specific mathematical skills required for successful engineering education and their role in engineering studies. The results provide insight into how high-level mathematical skills contribute to the development of engineering competencies and enable engineers to solve complex problem scenarios. Key findings reveal that high-level mathematical skills are indispensable in engineering education, providing the tools needed to solve real-world problems and drive innovation in engineering. Mathematics is the language of engineering. It provides the analytical and problem-solving tools necessary for engineers to design, analyse, and optimize systems, ensuring that they meet safety, efficiency, and performance requirements. Engineers use math as a fundamental tool to make informed decisions and drive technological advancements across various engineering disciplines. Without math, engineering would be severely limited in its ability to design safe, efficient, and innovative solutions to the complex problems that engineers encounter in various industries. The questions contained in the article are investigated using survey data of university students. The purpose of this study is to research the relative applicability and level of knowledge of the learning material learned in secondary educational institutions in mathematics, based on the experience of school graduates and engineering students.

Atslēgas vārdi
mathematical skills, role of mathematics, engineering studies

Zvirgzdiņa, L., Kopeika, E. The Need and Role of High-Level Math Skills in Engineering Studies. No: Research for Rural Development 2024: Annual 30th International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Latvija, Jelgava, 15.-16. maijs, 2024. Jelgava: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, 2024, 336.-340.lpp. e-ISBN 978-9984-48-439-6. ISSN 1691-4031. e-ISSN 2255-923X. Pieejams: doi:10.22616/RRD.30.2024.053

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English (en)
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