Energy Consumption and Indoor Air Quality of Different Ventilation Possibilities in a New Apartment Building
Gatis Žogla,
Andra Blumberga
The paper focuses on natural ventilation systems in new buildings. There is particular interest in heat energy consumption and indoor air quality with different ventilation possibilities. Indoor air quality measurements during different ventilation solutions were conducted in a new apartment building. The results of this paper show that, by applying some common ventilation solutions, the consumption of heat energy for heating the cold incoming air can reach up to 0,86 MWh/month in a 10 m2 room in the coldest months of winter.
Atslēgas vārdi
air change rate, CO2 concentration in buildings, heat energy consumption for ventilation, indoor air quality, natural ventilation
Žogla, G., Blumberga, A. Energy Consumption and Indoor Air Quality of Different Ventilation Possibilities in a New Apartment Building. Environmental and Climate Technologies. Nr.4, 2010, 130.-135.lpp. ISSN 1691-5208.
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English (en)