Expierience with a First LGE Loop and Proposal for Further Investigations in Flowing LGE
Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology
Knuth Thomsen,
Ernests Platacis,
Oļģerts Lielausis,
Imants Bucenieks,
Anatolijs Ziks,
Alberts Romančuks,
Kalvis Kravalis,
Rolph Moormann
Safety and decomissioning concerns related to mercury high power spallation targets lead to intense examination of alternative targets, such as Lead Bismuth Eutectics LBE, rotating solid targets and since recently Lead Gold Eutectics LGE. Construction material corrosion studiies in flowing LGE are carried out parallely with corrosion studies in flowing LBE have been carried out.
Atslēgas vārdi
LGE, LBE, corrosion, mercury, circulation, construction materials
Thomsen, K., Platacis, E., Lielausis, O., Bucenieks, I., Ziks, A., Romančuks, A., Kravalis, K., Moormann, R. Expierience with a First LGE Loop and Proposal for Further Investigations in Flowing LGE. No: Proceedings of the Tenth International Workshop on Spallation Materials Technology, Ķīna, Beijing, 18.-22. oktobris, 2010. Beijing: Chineese Academy of Sciences, 2010, 75.-75.lpp.
Publikācijas valoda
English (en)