Influence of Thermal Processing on the Structure of Hydroxyapatite
Materials of the XIX-th International Baltic Conference "Materials Engineering & Balttrib 2010"
Liene Plūduma,
Kārlis-Agris Gross,
Natālija Borodajenko,
Kaia Tonsuaadu,
Līga Bērziņa-Cimdiņa
Thermal decomposition of hydroxyapatite (HAp) during sintering is undesirable on the physical, chemical, mechanical and biomedical properties. The amount and alignment of hydroxyl groups (OH-) in HAp ceramics influence the bioactivity of this material. Therefore, the right choice of thermal processing conditions is very important to obtain bioceramics with preferable composition and properties. The thermal stability of synthesized HAp was investigated by DTA, TGA and EGA. HAp powder was heated in different atmospheres (air, vacuum, argon with water vapour), temperatures (1000 - 1500°C) and times (1 – 12 hr). Phases and bonding was examined by XRD and FTIR.
Atslēgas vārdi
Hydroxyapatite, Thermal processing, Bioceramics, Thermal treatment
Plūduma, L., Gross, K., Borodajenko, N., Tonsuaadu, K., Bērziņa-Cimdiņa, L. Influence of Thermal Processing on the Structure of Hydroxyapatite. No: Materials of the XIX-th International Baltic Conference "Materials Engineering & Balttrib 2010", Latvija, Rīga, 28.-29. oktobris, 2010. Rīga: Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Riga Technical University, Latvian Materials Research Society, Association of Baltic Materials Societies, 2010, 8.-8.lpp.
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English (en)