Information about Author
Name, Surname:

Valentīna Urbāne


(22B00) Pārvaldības un drošības institūts

Scientific Degree:




42 items found, displaying 21 to 30.
Economic Trends in the Provision of Labor Safety and Health Protection in the Industries of Latvia
Aleksandrs Grigorjevs, Valentīna Urbāne, Jeļena Pundure
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
The Dangers of Acrylnitrile and the Improvement of Risk Prevention
Jānis Ieviņš, Valentīna Urbāne, Daiga Mažrima
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Establishment of Healthy Working Environment at Liquefied Natural Gas Reservoir Park
Aija Ķirse, Valentīna Urbāne, Jānis Ieviņš, Vladimirs Jemeļjanovs, Jānis Bartušauskis
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Economic Effectiveness of Fire Protection
Jānis Ieviņš, Jeļena Pundure, Vladimirs Jemeļjanovs, Valentīna Urbāne
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Work Environment Risks in a Vegetable Growing Company
Valentīna Urbāne, A. Smiltiņa-Plūdone
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Office Space’s Lighting Control System Development
Valentīna Urbāne, V. Veļičko
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings

2 items found, displaying 1 to 2.
Avenantramīdu koncentrātu inovatīvu ieguves tehnoloģiju ieviešana bioloģiski aktīvu produktu ražošanā
RTU pētniecības
Māra Jure
Darba un civilās aizsardzības institūts (34-22200-RSFF.DCAI)
Jānis Ieviņš