Application of Anaerobic Digestate as Inoculum for Treatment of the Plant-Derived Wastes: Case Study
Materials Science and Applied Chemistry
Kristīne Kalneniece,
Andrejs Bērziņš,
Zaiga Petriņa,
Kristīne Veģere,
Elīna Salava,
Kārlis Švirksts,
Māra Grūbe,
Vizma Nikolajeva,
Olga Mutere
The aim of this study was to characterize the digestate from an activated sludge biogas reactor (IDARS) as an inoculum for enzymatic hydrolysis and biogas production from organic wastes. Aerobic and anaerobic bacteria are represented in IDARS with H’ index 3.1 and 2.5, respectively. IDARS stimulated the enzymatic hydrolysis of wood and leaves, preferably broadleaf tree species. The results demonstrated the potential of IDARS for improvement of the technological parameters for conversion of organic wastes into biogas.
Biogas, EcoPlate, enzymatic hydrolysis, fruit and vegetable wastes, FT-IR spectroscopy, leaves, wood
Kalneniece, K., Bērziņš, A., Petriņa, Z., Ruģele, K., Salava, E., Švirksts, K., Grūbe, M., Nikolajeva, V., Mutere, O. Application of Anaerobic Digestate as Inoculum for Treatment of the Plant-Derived Wastes: Case Study. Materials Science and Applied Chemistry, 2017, 34, pp.50-58. ISSN 1407-7353. e-ISSN 2255-8713. Available from: doi:10.1515/msac-2017-0008
Publication language
English (en)