Entrepreneurship plays an important role in the functioning of today's economy. Successful and fast-growing start-ups are major drivers for economic development and prosperity. Although it is true that inheritance is important to entrepreneurial abilities, the identification and development of entrepreneurial skills are not less important. In the last decade, universities have been given a special role in the development of entrepreneurial abilities. It is expected that, in parallel with the development of the specific skills and competences necessary for the profession, the educational institution will also ensure identification, assessment and development of entrepreneurial skills during the study process [2]. Scientific aim of the research is to study interdisciplinary teaching methodology for students' entrepreneurial and creative development and application of the same methodology for business. The same approach for creating a new product is used in the study process and in carrying out business needs (MILZU! case “Research and development of children’s toy ecosystem in MILZU! cereal flakes packaging to increase the value added of food products”, project no. The new product development methodology under discussion is based on identification of customer values and needs followed by product development based on these values and needs. Although the new product development methodology is based on the same ground, the application differs when used for studies or business purposes. The main differences are related to different motivation and interests of participants in the study process and business.