Multi-Story Residential Building Apartments as a Sustainable Construction Object: Research Results in Riga
Riga Technical University 58th International Scientific Conference “Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship” (SCEE’2017): Proceedings
Iveta Stāmure,
Laimdota Šnīdere,
Ineta Geipele
A significant part of residents in Riga live in series multi-storey residential buildings, which were projected and constructed in the period from 1950 to 1992. From a modern point of view, these buildings are obsolete; besides, in the course of construction process the durability and reliability grade were planned to be insufficient. Their technical condition requires urgent repair and renovation work. In Riga, residents of series multi-storey residential buildings do not support building renovation and are passive, despite the availability of the EU and government support as well as co-financing of building renovation projects in Riga and all over Latvia.
Atslēgas vārdi
Multi-story residential building apartments, sustainable construction object, renovation
Stāmure, I., Šnīdere, L., Geipele, I. Multi-Story Residential Building Apartments as a Sustainable Construction Object: Research Results in Riga. No: Riga Technical University 58th International Scientific Conference “Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship” (SCEE’2017): Proceedings, Latvija, Riga, 13.-14. oktobris, 2017. Riga: Riga Technical University, 2017, 45.-46.lpp. ISBN 978-9934-22-000-5. ISSN 2256-0866.
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English (en)