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Ģirts Bohvalovs
(32700) Vides aizsardzības un siltuma sistēmu institūts
19 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Climate Conscious Communities: Navigating Transformation through Simulation Games and Creative Engagement
Vita Brakovska
Ruta Vanaga
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Dagnija Blumberga
Andra Blumberga
Conference paper
How Does a Decision-Making Tool Enhance Spent Mushroom Substrate Valorization into Polysaccharides?
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Andra Blumberga
Veronika Liberova
Dagnija Blumberga
Conference paper
Transition towards Positive Energy District: A Case Study from Latvia
Andra Blumberga
Ieva Pakere
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Dagnija Blumberga
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Are BSR Municipalities on Track for Energy Transition?
Kristiāna Dolge
Laura Kristiāna Vičmane
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Dagnija Blumberga
Conference paper
Impact of the 2022 Energy Crisis on Energy Transition Awareness in Latvia
Andra Blumberga
Ieva Pakere
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Vita Brakovska
Ruta Vanaga
Uldis Spuriņš
Gints Klāsons
Viesturs Celmiņš
Dagnija Blumberga
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Single Player Game for Decision Making in Energy Communities
Andra Blumberga
Vita Brakovska
Ruta Vanaga
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Ritvars Freimanis
Full-text conference paper published in other conference proceedings
Energy Transition Reality Check: Are Municipalities Meeting the Mark?
Kristiāna Dolge
Laura Kristiāna Vičmane
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Dagnija Blumberga
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Increasing Sustainability in Vocational Education System: Latvia Case Study
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Antra Kalnbaļķīte
Ruta Vanaga
Vladimirs Kirsanovs
Dace Lauka
Ieva Pakere
Toms Irbe
Krista Laktuka
Kristiāna Dolge
Zigmārs Zundāns
Ingūna Brēmane
Dagnija Blumberga
Andra Blumberga
Conference paper
Multiplayer Game for Decision-Making in Energy Communities
Ruta Vanaga
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Andra Blumberga
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Driving Sustainable Practices in Vocational Education Infrastructure: A Case Study from Latvia
Ģirts Bohvalovs
Antra Kalnbaļķīte
Ieva Pakere
Ruta Vanaga
Vladimirs Kirsanovs
Dace Lauka
Toms Irbe
Krista Laktuka
Kristiāna Dolge
Zigmārs Zundāns
Ingūna Brēmane
Dagnija Blumberga
Andra Blumberga
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
1 items found, displaying 1 to 1.
Simulators virzībai uz ilgtspējīgu enerģētiku
Gatis Bažbauers
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