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Doctoral Theses
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Information about Author
Name, Surname
Svetlana Jurenoka
(33700) Lietišķo datorsistēmu institūts
Scientific Degree
10 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Development of Methods and Models for Generating the Adaptive Curriculum based on the Student Knowledge Level
Svetlana Jurenoka
Doctoral Thesis
Development of Methods and Models for Generating an Adaptive Learning Plan Based on the User’s Level of Knowledge
Svetlana Jurenoka
Jānis Grundspeņķis
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Modelling of Stability of Wireless Sensor Network Control Systems in Case of Uncertainty
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Svetlana Jurenoka
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Intelligent Collaborative Educational System within the Framework of Competence Approach
Sabina Kataļņikova
Jānis Grundspeņķis
Svetlana Jurenoka
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
A Method for Learning Scenario Selection and Modification in Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Svetlana Jurenoka
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Fuzzy Logic Based Heating Systems Operation Scenario Selection
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Svetlana Jurenoka
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Using Fuzzy Logic for Behavior Scenario Selection in Moodle Systems
Svetlana Jurenoka
Sergejs Bobrovskis
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Intelligent Self-Examination Scenario Selection Method in E-Learning Systems
Svetlana Jurenoka
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Online Fault Detection Methodology of Question Moodle Database Using Scan Statistics Method
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Svetlana Jurenoka
Leonīds Novickis
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Use of Scan Statistics in Intelligent Heating Control Systems
Aleksejs Jurenoks
Svetlana Jurenoka
Publication (anonimusly reviewed) in a journal with an international editorial board indexed in other databases
2 items found, displaying 1 to 2.
Lietišķo datorsistēmu institūts (34-12300-N7046.4)
Jānis Grundspeņķis
Programmatūras inženierijas katedra (34-12308-RSFF.PIK)
Leonīds Novickis
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