Research Data
Doctoral Theses
Scientific Journals of RTU
Technology Offers
Information about Author
Name, Surname
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Honorific title
Scientific Degree
14 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
The Influence of Matiss Silins’ on the Development of Latvian National Cartography
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Thematic Cartography and Cartosemiotics: Common and Distinctive Features
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The Problems of Preparing an International Coursebook in Cartography
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Determination of Quasi-Geoid as Height Component of the Geodetic Infrastructure for GNSS-Positioning Services in the Baltic States
Reiner Jaeger
Jānis Kaminskis
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Ghadi Younis
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Glossary of Terms of Geomatics
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Armands Auziņš
Ervīns Stūrmanis
Valdis Vanags
Academic monograph (one author or a group of authors) for study purposes in HEIs
National Atlas of Latvia: Idea and Reality
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Riga Technical Universities Doctorate Council of Building Sector
Māris Kaļinka
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Development of the Terminology of Geomatics in Latvia
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
The First Five Years in Geomatics Education in Latvia
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
Maping of the Territory of Latvia in the Period of 1945-1950
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Publications in RTU scientific journal
4 items found, displaying 1 to 4.
Atbalsts RTU doktorantūras attīstībai
Santa Rendore
Būvju deformācijas ģeodēziskās kontroles sistēmas izstrādāšana un pārbaude
Būvniecība un arhitektūra
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Ģeodēzijas studiju programmu attīstība
Būvniecība un arhitektūra
Jānis Štrauhmanis
Rīgas tematiskās kartēšanas sistēma - elektroniskās versijas projekts un tā īstenošanas metodika
Būvniecība un arhitektūra
Jānis Štrauhmanis
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