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Information about Author
Name, Surname
Gerda Gaidukova
(32300) Ķīmijas un ķīmijas tehnoloģijas institūts
Scientific Degree
27 items found, displaying 1 to 10.
Sustainable Hemp-Based Bioplastics with Tunable Properties via Reversible Thermal Crosslinking of Cellulose
Sergejs Beļuns
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Oskars Platnieks
Līga Orlova
Gerda Gaidukova
Vijay Kumar Thakur
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Sustainable Wax Coatings Made from Pine Needle Extraction Waste for Nanopaper Hydrophobization
Sergejs Beļuns
Oskars Platnieks
Jekaterina Ševčenko
Māra Jure
Gerda Gaidukova
Līga Orlova
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Clean Manufacturing of Cellulose Nanopapers by Incorporating Lignin and Xylan as Sustainable Additives
Sergejs Beļuns
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Oskars Platnieks
Anda Gromova
Gerda Gaidukova
Līga Orlova
Mārtiņš Nābels-Šneiders
Andrejs Kovaļovs
Vijay Kumar Thakur
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Spent-Coffee Grounds as a Zero-Burden Material Blended with Bio-Based Poly(Butylene Succinate) for Production of Bio-Composites: Findings from a Life Cycle Assessment Application Experience
Carlo Ingrao
Oskars Platnieks
Valentina Siracusa
Gerda Gaidukova
Annarita Paiano
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
All Lignocellulose Biocomposites for Woody Like Materials
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Sergejs Beļuns
Oskars Platnieks
Gerda Gaidukova
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Sustainable Polybutylene Succinate Biopolymer for 3D Printing Applications
Gerda Gaidukova
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Full-text conference paper published in conference proceedings indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
From Wood and Hemp Biomass Wastes to Sustainable Nanocellulose Foams
Sergejs Beļuns
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Oskars Platnieks
Gerda Gaidukova
Inese Mieriņa
Līga Orlova
Olesja Starkova
Prans Brazdausks
Vijay Kumar Thakur
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Spent Coffee Waste as a Renewable Source for the Production of Sustainable Poly(butylene succinate) Biocomposites from a Circular Economy Perspective
Gerda Gaidukova
Oskars Platnieks
Artūrs Auniņš
Anda Gromova
Carlo Ingrao
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Adding Value to Poly (Butylene Succinate) and Nanofibrillated Cellulose-Based Sustainable Nanocomposites by Applying Masterbatch Process
Oskars Platnieks
Aleksandrs Sereda
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Vijay Kumar Thakur
Anda Gromova
Gerda Gaidukova
Inese Filipova
Andrejs Ogurcovs
Velta Frīdrihsone
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Lignin and Xylan as Interface Engineering Additives for Improved Environmental Durability of Sustainable Cellulose Nanopapers
Sergejs Beļuns
Oskars Platnieks
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Oļesja Starkova
Aļisa Šabaļina
Līga Orlova
Vijay Kumar Thakur
Gerda Gaidukova
Scientific article indexed in SCOPUS or WOS database
Technology Offers
1 items found, displaying 1 to 1.
Ceramic Crucibles for Denture Smelting by High-Speed High-Frequency Heating Equipment
Laimons-Paulis Bīdermanis
Visvaldis Švinka
Ruta Švinka
Gerda Gaidukova
Andris Cimmers
8 items found, displaying 1 to 8.
Avenantramīdu koncentrātu inovatīvu ieguves tehnoloģiju ieviešana bioloģiski aktīvu produktu ražošanā
RTU pētniecības
Māra Jure
Dabiska bioplastmasa no lignīna, hemicelulozes un celulozes
Gerda Gaidukova
Inovatīvie koksni imitējošie biomateriāli 3D drukai
Baiba Matisone
Koksni imitējošie biokompozīti
Sergejs Gaidukovs
Lietišķās ķīmijas institūts (34-14800-N7049.1)
Valdis Kampars
Lietišķās ķīmijas institūts (34-14800-RSFF.LĶI)
Valdis Kampars
Nanostruktūru un barjeru struktūru ieguves sola-gēla un lāzera tehnoloģijas
Nanotehnoloģijas un nanomateriāli
Gundars Mežinskis
Saules siltuma enerģijas akumulējošu materiālu izstrāde, izmantojot sola-gēla un vakuuma pārklājumu tehnoloģijas
Materiālu tehnoloģija
Gundars Mežinskis
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